
Saturday, April 28, 2007

10 Free Life Lessons on being a Professional Artist

My great friend Maggie Stiefvater has written yet another butt-kicking piece for all those people making excuses for why they're not more successful as professional artists.

Maggie is very successful - but then she does work very hard at it. Her most recent blog post contains 10 free life lessons for professional artists culled from her own experiences. You get the headlines below but you have to go here to get her explanation.
  1. Paint or draw every day
  2. Sketch everything everywhere
  3. Keep a huge inventory of all sizes
  4. Get yourself out there and I don't mean group shows
  5. Forget the idea that an artist paints what moves him/ her and paints when he/she is moved
  6. Professional artists look professional
  7. Get yourself a website
  8. Don't give up during the slow months
  9. Specialize
  10. Be Nice
"Cat with a Pearl Earring"
2.5" x 3.5" colored pencil on Bristol paper.
Copyright 2007 Maggie Stiefvater.
Click here to bid.


Maggie Stiefvater:
"Portraits with Character" - her online portfolio
"Greywaren Art" - her daily painting blog
Her e-bay store


  1. Interesting post

  2. All great advice, couldn't agree more. Breaks the misconception that you can/should only draw when moved by your subject. The bottom line is that what we do is a skill, that requires constant practice and development. When we are truly move by a subject, we can draw on those skills built with drugery (perhaps) and really create something great.y

  3. Very true points. The public misconceptions about artists are legendary.

    If you want to be successful, you have to work hard and you have to draw what the market will buy, not what you always like.

  4. Useful advice thank you. That is the most wonderful rendition of that painting I have seen to date.


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