
Monday, December 04, 2006

Canary Wharf Sky Series

Photographs of the sky above Canary Wharf, London
(First row, L to R, 13th January 8.24am, 5th March 2pm; 29th May 7.46pm)
Second row, L to R, 1st June early morning; 23rd October 7am ; 26th November evening)
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

One of the joys of living where I do is that I have a wonderful view of the sky above Canary Wharf in London. I delight in the colours and shapes that I see and the fact that it changes all the time - from minute to minute, from morning to afternoon to early evening and through the seasons.

I've always loved looking at the sky above Canary Wharf and decided about a year ago to start making a record to actually try and establish the pattern of the changes by taking photographs. I now have a great many photographs!

About half way though my photography project I had the idea of starting to develop these into a series of small works. What I found as I started to sort the photos out was that they look great in groups (see above) and current indications are that my drawings based on these will do the same.

I'm still pondering on the right size and format for these but my current view is that they are probably going to be in coloured pencil on Arches HP in a 5"x7" format with an occasional 8"x10" and occasional large works in pastel.

Given the problems with my hand I'm going to post what I've already done this week and explain a bit more about what you're seeing and about the whole notion of doing 'series paintings' or drawings.

Update on 'the drawing hand': The tenosynovitis is no worse and may even be a bit better. Unfortunately I'm going to have to continue to wear my wrist brace and severely limit keyboard use to make sure recovery continues.

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  1. that's a really nice series and it's a great idea to do a series of works based on them

    As you know, I too love to work in series :)

    and ... what a view!

  2. I'm glad your hand is improving, Katherine. I've had bouts with carpal tunnel syndrome from working weeks on end on very detailed paintings, so I know what you're going through. I envy your view of the sky over Canary Wharf and look forward to seeing your series as it develops.

  3. These are great photos Katherine. A series based on them would be fabulous.

    My sympathies on your wrist problems. I hope it feels better soon. Perhaps time to invest in a voice recognition program...

  4. Lovely idea for a series, Katherine. I look forward you talking us through it - and the paintings of course. Meantime look after that arm.


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