
Friday, November 24, 2006

Drawing Heads - 23rd November

Drawing Heads - 23rd November 2006
mechanical pencil and graphite stick on Daler Rowney heavy white cartridge paper
copyright Katherine Tyrrell

After last week's disaster (for which many thanks to those who commented), I decided to go 'back to basics' and actually draw a head. Well, two actually....because if I just do one I end up over-working it which is how I got into drawing the whole model set-up in the first place.

So here's my two heads from last night's class (click on the images for a bigger picture). Lots of hatching marks on the female face so I did a close-up so you can see that there is no blending going on. It always feels a bit like I'm sculpting a face when I use hatching marks in this way. Which made me wonder whether hatching and chiseling are linked in any way.............

The Prince's Drawing School has now published its programme for the Spring Term and for classes also being held during the Christmas Break. For anybody living in or near London who think they might like to attend you can find out more details about any of the classes on offer (both daytime and evening during term-time and week long during the Christmas break) by clicking on the link below.

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  1. Great work on the face, Katherine. Do I detect your mechanical eraser in the highlights? Even though I can't hatch as skillfully as you do, I know what your mean about the feeling of sculpting with graphite. Sometimes working slowly and in great detail in graphite I feel like I'm uncovering the picture - a bit like scratching those lucky lottery tickets.

  2. Thanks Belinda.

    I don't use my mechanical eraser in class as the noise is distracting for others. But I do use the a stick eraser and the edge of the eraser on the top of my mechanical pencil. I find I'm drawing more and more with my erasers these days. There's definitely an art to it!

  3. all the different shades of grey make this such a rich drawing

    this is something I've been trying to pay more attention to, I've been adding more cross hatching to my drawings lately, trying to see tones as opposed to pure line and finding it fun to explore

  4. Re my previous comment - for mechanical eraser read 'battery powered' eraser

    Cin - it's great to try new ways of doing things to develop one's work but I do hope that you won't ever lose your strong use of line which is so emphatically your own. Being able to draw with a minimum of line is such a wonderful skill to have.


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