
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I need a title!

I need a title for this new work which I seem to have been fiddling with forever. The subject matter is rowing boats on the River Stour in Dedham in Suffolk (Constable Country). The fine art society of which I'm a member is having a show in Septenber and it has a theme of "Reflections" - hence the subject.

Anybody got any ideas?

This is 12" x 16" and on Arches Hot Press paper (in a block - as it provides a useful support while I'm working). It will be joining other works in the Waterscapes Gallery.

I've included a link to the boatyard in Dedham where these clinker rowing boats live in case anybody fancies a row down to Flatford!

[Apologies to those who saw this last night - I should know better than to try and match colours on screen to the original at night!]

My website - Waterscapes Gallery
Boathouse, Dedham

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  1. Thanks Jeanne - good ideas - those never even occurred to me!

    Keep the suggestions coming!

    It's gone on the website as "Dedham Rowboats" at the moment until I have something better. However I did come up with one possible...........

    "Back at the Boathouse"

  2. I immediately thought of RL Stevenson's poem 'where go the boats?' - well here they all are! What a beautiful rendition. I hope you have lovely trip and I look forward to seeing your travel blog whenever you get to it - bon voyage

  3. Oh Katherine, this is superb. I like "Back at the Boathouse". I can't get over the reflections and the colors you achieve.

  4. Just gorgeous. I tend to like very simple titles---'At the Boathouse' would do it for me.

  5. This is really lovely, and I like it even better today, with the colors adjusted! I'm no good at titles, they all sound good!

  6. Lovely! Love the quiet feel and thought as a title, "The Calm Before". Not 'the calm before the storm' but the calm moment before the renting rowers decend. Hope the show is enjoyable for you.

  7. 'Row of Boats' or 'Row of Rowboats'? It's catchy that they are 'Row boats in a Row'!
    I'd probably stick with the original and practical title.
    Call it what you may..its a great picture!

  8. I like simple titles, how about "Boat Row"?

    BTW, your RSS feed isn't working anymore, any changes to your site? Could be that I'm on a Mac now.b

  9. Thanks to everybody for all the really great suggestions - some of which are SO obvious and yet I'd NEVER have come up with them!

    This has been such a good exercise that I'm definitely going to have people helping me out on my titles again in future. Have you seen how pedestrian my titles usually are?!!!

    My current inclinations are leaning towards "Boat Row" or "Row of Boats".

  10. "Row, Row, Row-boat" or "All in a Row"

  11. "Row, Row, Row-boat" or
    "All in a Row"


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