
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Blogger is not uploading my images!

Blogger has failed to upload any of my images for the last 36 hours. It also looks very much as if a number of fellow bloggers who use Blogger software have experienced the same problem. So, if you've been thinking it's just you and your blog that this is happening too, do not fret too much just yet - you're not alone!

Why do I think it might be happening to more people than just me? Well - a couple of reasons.
  • First, I've had a quick check of some of the people who I know use Blogger - and none of them have posted images in the last 36 hours either.
  • Plus the Blogger Help Group (a Google Group) has registered quite a few people saying they have exactly the same problem.

I fired off an e-mail to the Blogger Help People this morning ( from a page which is incredibly difficult to find within Blogger ) and notified them of my problem; loads of detail as recommended. I got the normal e-mail back saying 'Have you tried........., if not then reply to this e-mail saying so' and duly responded as I'd already tried all the options suggested.

I also suggested they may like to keep tabs of what's being said in the Blogger Help Group as the image upload is not yet logged as a "known issue" - which means they either don't know about it or they're not acknowledging it as a problem!

And yes, you've guessed it! Just in case they're not reading the posts in the Blogger Help Group, or any of the e-mails we've all sent, this post is designed to get picked up through their monitoring of Technorati tags!

I wonder how long it will take Blogger to fix what is a major problem for any illustrated blog?

I've got a 25th wedding anniversary celebration (not mine!) taking up most of my time on Friday and Saturday so I'll be waiting until Sunday to see if this problem has been fixed and, if not, I'll have to start seriously looking for another blogging platform.

Update 5.15pm London: I'm still checking Blogger blogs and so far nobody has got an image loaded - but you can access images on other platforms . See Marissa Lee's blog - she's using Flickr and r.e.wolf has commented that he's using Photobucket.

Technorati tags: , , , ,


  1. K, I'm so sorry you've been having all of that trouble! I always look forward to seeing your work posted here, so I'm sorry for myself, too, when this happens! You might think about Typepad, the service I use. It's not free, though.
    Good luck!

  2. I've had intermittent problems for the past few weeks. Not terribly often, but a couple times. I just tucked the photo into my free account and posted it that way.

  3. When I started blogging you had to use something like Flickr. When you could upload using Blogger I didn't like it because I couldn't work out a way to have a picture an exact size in pixels (essential for customised headers) so for most things I stick to Flickr. However for some images I use my own web space rather than Flickr because the colour stays truer to the original. I like Blogger and couldn't be bothered to change. Flickr is very easy and free.

  4. hopefully the problem is solved, just successfully uploaded an image too.

    whenever I've had this problem I've just used flickr to post an image, flickr has other advantages too, one thing I love, you can collect your images into "sets", a great way of keeping track of so many sketches

    (11:24 EST)

  5. I have also had this problem, but not right now thankfully! You might want to try , it's free and another way you can upload pictures onto blogger. Good luck! Darla


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