
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thumbs down for Technorati Favourites

I'm not at all impressed with Technorati Favourites. Reason - I'm experiencing major problems with the way the function is recognising the latest update from a blog when the blog URL is added to the favourites list. And of course if it doesn't recognise a blog has updated then I can't read the update!

Examples include:
  • Postcard from Provence (which updates every day/Movable Type base) - is listed as having last updated 3 days ago
  • Craftmonkeys (Typepad) - doesn't register as ever having posted (and I've tried every variation I can think of with no luck at all)
  • Fur in the Paint (Blogger) - listed as having last updated 11 days ago - wrong!

In the end I tested my blog (Blogger) - updated 3 hours previously - and this is listed as having last updated 3 days ago as well! At which point I decide to write this post!

There's no apparent rhyme nor reason to it. Laurelines (Typepad based) and A Painting a Day (Blogger based) are both reading accurately within Technorati favourites.

So I'm going to stick with nice/reliable/easy to use/easy to access "Bloglines" to read all the latest posts in the blogs that I follow - and tag this post appropriately with Technorati tags to see if anybody over at Technorati is monitoring the feedback!

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  1. I have found blogrolling to be the lazy and easy way to add other blogs to my blog. I am not really into using HTML and the like or I would put some kind of a link here.
    Nice blog, and I don't even have any aluminum siding to sell.

  2. Teeheehee!

    I agree - I used to have just four Blogs under review and that was manageable - two were landing in my inbox every day and I went and visited sites for the other two. Then as I got mine underway I started visiting a lot more sites to see what people were doing and discovered more and more art blogs (and other blogs) that I wanted to look at and/or read. So I soon decided there had to be an easier way of doing things!

    I like your trees photo very much BTW - not so sure I'm into digital landscapes but I could be persuaded. Why don't you post more images in your blog?

  3. Ah, well, I have this mad idea that I am a writer and not an artist, though it is possible to be both, of course. I tend to go through phases where I do visual stuff, but I write all the time.
    Really the trouble is in finding images that I think are worth posting. So much stuff that I thought was way cool while I was doing it doesn't seem so great in cold light of day.
    Thanks though, I will be posting more images as I have images worth posting.


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