
Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Calling all foodies

You will find food periodically crops up in this journal. How can I put it - I like my food - just a bit too much at times, some may say - but I don't go out to dinner with them on principle!

I've already recorded when the still life takes over the supermarket shopping and thought that maybe it was time for looking at food the other way round. And what better way to do that then to say that I am getting a very great deal of vicarious pleasure from looking at Laura's (Laurelines) project for February - sketches of food. They are simply gorgeous sketches and she is drawing some wonderful food - and yes, ladies, she's already got one chocolate post with "Random acts of chocolate" but I don't suppose that means there won't be another one.

Anyway, get on over there to Laurelines and take a look because that's what I'm doing on a regular basis - and when you've finished reading the posts don't forget to take a look at the Gallery for February's food sketches

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  1. Thank you, Katherine, for the mention and the kind words! I just read your supermarket post and laughed---we are two of a kind. I've bought lots and lots of food just to paint or draw it. I do try to use it afterwards, but sometimes it is too exhausted by that point. I'm going to do fish when I get back from my little trip---there I will have to work very fast!

  2. Having two cats - it's not really an option to do fish from life! Well I could - but it would have to come everywhere with me!

    And since I love fish I took a load of photos in the Pescheria in Venice last May. I had the gigital camera inches from some of the oddest looking fish I've ever seen! But great scales and great detail!

    They keep making me think that if I wanted to have a go with the Sennelier iridescent pastels fish would be the subject to go for!


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