
Saturday, January 07, 2006

Links to artist weblogs and websites

I've got my links to other sites reinstated (note to self - make a copy of all edits to the template before you fancy trying out what another style looks like!!!) And I've remembered to put in the extra bit of html which means that when you click on them they will open in a new window.........

I've split out the various art weblogs / journals from the websites of artists. The "blogs" or art journals vary enormously but demonstrate to me the different ways in which artists can use their weblog to display their work and or record how they see the world and develop their skills in producing art. I love looking at the daily paintings of Duane Keiser (A Painting a Day)and Julian Merrow Smith (Postcard from Provence) and really look forward to them landing in my Inbox each day. They've certainly inspired me into looking at what can be achieved in a small format and I'll doubtless comment on this further in future posts. The others listed provide some really good examples of what can be achieved and are my favourites out of the many art blogs I've looked at so far. Which is not to say there might not be others which I haven't found as yet!

The artist websites belong to:

1) People who I'm very pleased to have as my friends (you all know who you are) and who are working like me to develop their art and get more of it into the public eye. Some are working full time on their art and expanding their horizons all the time, some are doing an amazing job of raising small children at the same time as they make very significant advances in their careers as artists, some are working on how to generate more income from their art so that they may be able to spend less time on their current full time job and hopefully make that switch at some point - and some have still to get their websites up and running!!! But they will and they will be listed..........I'm planning to focus a bit more on each of them as this journal progresses. They're certainly a great bunch of people and constantly provide both inspiration and support as well as much good humour.

2) People I know and whose art I admire - Jackie Simmonds switched me on to pastel during a painting holiday we were both on in Bali in 1992. Having subsequently bought her books and videos and been painting with her again I can say from personal experience that she is one of the best teachers I've ever come across for those starting out in pastel. She does fewer workshops and painting holidays these days but check out her website for details of any coming up as I know she lists them there. I found Sally Strand's work inspirational when I was starting out in pastel and I am so pleased that she has finally got a website of her own which displays her work. I'm very keen to try and do a workshop with her this year if possible. Ann Kullberg is a very accomplished artist in coloured pencil who writes in a very accessible way and has done an awful lot to promote the development of coloured pencil to a wider audience. This list is only limited by those who choose to have a website or not which I can link to - there are many other people who have provided inspiration along the way...and hopefully there will be more links to post

3) Artists I've come across whose work I admire - this is very much an incomplete list as at the date of posting and more links will be added in as I get the time. Barbara Benedetti Newton works like me in both pastel and coloured pencil which makes her website particularly interesting to me. I rather suspect that Barbara also a liking for trees and I love visiting to see what new pastel landscapes are on her site. Elizabeth Patterson's artwork in coloured pencil is quite stunning and her work in progress page is well worth a look for those who aren't on slow connections.

I'm also going to be developing a list of links to sites providing resources for the artist. More of this in future.

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