
Thursday, January 26, 2006


I acquired a small soapstone figure of Ganesh - the Hindu deity with an elephant's shape - when I was on a painting trip to Goa. We visited a small rural fishing village and I was fortunate to encounter Ganesh's carver and we struck a deal. What I particularly like about him is that he was reading a book - one of my very favourite occupations!
This is a new small work - and it's the first time I've tried to draw Ganesh. The colours of the soapstone were an interesting challenge and it now includes pinks and reds in small quantities! The work is 7" x 5" and has been drawn using coloured pencils on black Canson Mi Teintes. See my website for further details.


  1. What incredible textures you've got here, Katherine! Really lovely drawing.
    [My username links to a nonfunctioning blog. This is Laura from Laureline(s)]

  2. Thanks Laura

    He was a very interesting challenge. I've always found him really absorbing as he's tiny and has an awful lot of very finely carved detail in amongst the super smooth surfaces of the soapstone.

  3. Magnificent Ganesh. You've really captured the soapstone feel.


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