
Numbers for Artists

It's not all about the art! 

Sometimes you have to deal with NUMBERS as well!

I used to deal with numbers a lot as part of my job and consequently I've tried to come up with some blog posts and websites which might be of use to those who are not so comfortable with numbers.

Information is organised by topic.

A number of links are to pages on my NEW website Art Business - for Artists

Pricing artwork


Exporting artwork

Sale of Artwork / Profit calculation


  • Tax Tips for Artists - is the page on my website which provides a compendium of information and advice

  • VAT for Artists - a new web page which provides an overview of what you need to know about VAT - and you might be surprised how much you do need to know!

  • Ten Tax Tips for Artists - this is about good habits to get into rather than any advice about any specific tax system


  • Insurance for Artists - identifies all the reasons why artists might need insurance and highlights some policies designed specifically for artists

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